Interested in Energy Studies?

What Is MAP?

MAP, or Medical Assistance Program, was designed by Perelandra's Machaelle Small Wright. For more information about her, her books, programs, and line of flower essences, visit

What is a Nature Deva?

Nature has Intelligence in many forms. The intelligence of a body, a plant, a crystal, or an animal is called a Deva. In MAP I work with the Deva of Healing, and with Pan. Both can provide information that helps for understanding and healing. 

What Is Science Saying About Spirituality?

The energy that surrounds us has patterns, behavior and influence that we are now beginning to understand. Studies continue to bring new insights to the interconnected reality in which we live. From channeling to optimizing your genetic expression, here are some links for studies in these area.

Consciousness & Healing Initiative (CHI)

Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)

Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM)

Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)